Make Your Card as Unique as You

Style Your Card, Express Yourself!"

How to Apply

Easy to use

1️⃣ Clean Your Card: Wipe your credit card with a dry, lint-free cloth to ensure it's free of dust and oils.

2️⃣ Align the Sticker: Carefully peel the sticker from the backing and align it with your card, ensuring the chip and key details are uncovered.

3️⃣ Apply the Sticker: Smoothly press the sticker onto your card, starting from one side to avoid air bubbles.

4️⃣ Seal the Edges: Run your fingers along the edges for a secure fit.


Delivery times typically range between 5-12 business days, depending on your location

Wrap It, Swipe It, Love It

It take 10 secondes to have a piece of art in your hand